Art in Milwaukee

This is the last week for the special exhibit at the Milwaukee Art Museum, William Kentridge:  More Sweetly Play the Dance, so Tuesday I took my lunch hour to immerse myself in it.  It's really a neat exhibit that combines drawing, videography, and animation.  If you can get there before it closes on Sunday, I highly recommend it.

Here is just a small clip of it and a few photos:

On another note, we finally saw the last sculpture that is part of Sculpture Milwaukee.  Although it isn't a traditional sculpture.  It isn't 3D at all.  It is titled "Stealing Shadows, Michelangelo" by ANA PRVAČKI.  You can read more about it here.  

Bristol Renaissance Faire

Less than an hour from Milwaukee is a great treasure, the Bristol Renaissance Faire.  We spent the entire day there on Saturday and had a great time.

The show starts before the gates actually open so you will find crowds gathering by 9:30 a.m.

Here are two clips of the opening acts:

After some shopping, our first show was Clan Tynker which is a variety show put to music with a little comedy thrown it.  It was quite good.  Here are a few clips and photos:

Our next show was the magician, Ivanovich! who was quite good.  Here is one of his tricks which I still haven't figured out.

After a turkey leg and some corn (and a little more shopping), we made sure to make the Queen's Joust.

We also checked out Adam Crack: Fire Whip, who I overheard tell another visitor that he had just appeared on Germany's Got Talent the week before.  This was clearly a popular show as people gathered 30 minutes before it started.

We ended the night with Barely Balanced Fire Extravaganza! which was really great.  We had seen their normal act before and it was even better with fire.

Catching a bowling ball on fire on his head

After a great day at the Faire, we had a beautiful ride home in our Fiat 124 Spyder, where we got 40.4 mpg!

Sculpture Milwaukee

Sculpture Milwaukee is back with 21 sculptures along Wisconsin Avenue.  Three are repeats from last year but the rest will not disappoint.  My husband and I checked them all out over our lunch hour one day last week. 

Here are the sculptures starting with the closest to the Lake (those with an* are on the north side of Wisconsin with the remaining ones on the south side):

1.  Love, by Robert Indiana*

2. Seer (Alice II) by Kiki Smith* is hidden in the gardens outside the brand new Northwestern Mutual building

3. Reason to Be by Jessica Jackson Hutchins is a reclaimed bus shelter

4. The Group of Five by Magdalena Abakanowicz - I understand this artist has a piece of work at the corner of Kilbourn and Cass that I should check out sometime.

5.  Half Big Suit by Erwin Wurm - this may be my favorite and one you have to see in person to truly appreciate

6.  Big Time by Richard Deacon - a work of juxapositions

8.  Blue Bra Girls by Ghada Amer* - here is one that you need to look at from many angles

9.  Bam (Seated Warrior) by Sanford Biggers*

10.  Mood Sculpture by Tony Tasset - part of last year's Sculpture Milwaukee

11.  Nostalgia by Yoan Capote - another of my favorites

12.  Untitled by Bosco Sodi*

13.  Skew by Shana McCaw and Brent Budsberg

14.  Liberty by Hank Willis Thomas* - This one combines the Statue of Liberty with Harlem Globetrotters

15.  Hazmat Love by Tom Friedman - who doesn't love men in tinfoil?

16.  Tower (Gubbio) by Sol Lewitt* - part of last year's Sculpture Milwaukee

17.  97.5* Arc x 9 by Bernar Venet*

18.  Bud (Bronze) by Gary Hume* - This one is a neat contrast between optimism and pessimism. 

20.  Marker #2 by Mel Kendrick* - This one is much more complex than first meets the eye.

21.  Stealing Shadows, Michelangelo by Ana Prvacki - This sculpture was not yet up yet but I look forward to checking it out when it is and will post pictures at that time.

Not numbered - Zach's Tower by John Henry - part of last year's Sculpture Milwaukee

I encourage you to take a walk down Wisconsin Avenue between the lake and 6th Street and enjoy these great sculptures while they are here this summer.

Milwaukee Riverwalk

One of the luxuries of working downtown means lunches wandering the town.  One of my favorite walks is along the Riverwalk and I have learned that if you head south of Michigan on the Riverwalk, you avoid having to deal with traffic crossing streets as the path goes under each street. 

Today was a beautiful day and many people were out on their boats enjoying the sunshine.  Here are some photos and videos from my walk today at lunch.

The barn swallows actually sat still for me a few times.

A larger boat went through requiring the bridges to be lifted.